Do you typically run late?

Do you tend to think "outside the box"?

Are you good at making connections between seemingly unrelated ideas?

Is it a challenge to get started on something, especially when you don't understand it or it's not interesting?

Do you love intense physical activity and movement?

Are you more creative than most people?

Do you have a good sense of humor that may consist of subtle jokes, intricate teasing, and metaphor that others may not understand?

Do you feel stuck, like you aren't moving forward in your life?

Do you rely on the pressure of deadlines to get things done, often at the last minute?

Do you "see" or "know" patterns and solutions in complexity that others are likely to miss?

Have you changed jobs often?

Are you adventurous about new foods, music, or experiences?

Do you have the ability to predict consequences, see relationships, and foresee problems which are likely to occur?

Do you have a difficult time gauging the time it will take to do something and/or the time it will take to get somewhere?

Is it easy and natural for you to empathize with perspectives different from your own?

Are you a high-energy person?

Are you easily distracted by sights, sounds, smells, emotions or random thoughts?

Do you write, speak, think or dream in vivid imagery?

Do you get bored easily?

Do you get "in the zone" when you're interested in something, often focusing so deeply that everything else falls away?

Do you seek out excitement or risk?

Do you tend to interrupt or blurt things out in conversation because if you don't you'll forget your thought or point?

Do you get excited and persistent when you're solving a challenging problem?

Do your strong emotions take you beyond yourself into areas of philosophical consideration?

Do you have difficulty sustaining relationships, especially when they become familiar or routine?

Are you always on the go, rarely able to relax, even when you want to?

Do you forget to pay bills or accrue overdrafts even when you have enough money?

Is it often difficult for you to go to bed when you intend to and shut down your brain to sleep?

Do you react strongly to sights, sounds or smells that don't seem to affect others?

Do you intuitively understand complex concepts?

Are you frequently irritable or impatient?

Are you a procrastinator?

Do you find it difficult to keep your personal space organized?

Have you ever struggled with alcohol, drugs, gambling, or other addictive habits?

Are you a free thinker who often questions the decisions and opinions of others?

Have you had a lot of speeding tickets or other driving violations?

Is it difficult for you to follow through and complete projects?

Do you have a vivid imagination and inner life?

Do you often forget basic, everyday things and need reminders to remember and accomplish them?

Have you developed your own method of learning and understanding concepts that leads to conflict with others who don’t use or understand your method?

Do you tend to act impulsively, without anticipating consequences?

Do you often lose or forget things?

Does your abundance of thoughts and ideas make it difficult to focus on the task of hand?

Are you fun, spontaneous, "the life of the party"?

Are your attachments to people and animals in your life intensely strong and emotional?

Do you often "brown out" in conversation and miss what people say?

Are you often deeply moved by music, language or the visual arts?

Are you great in a crisis -- or any situation that requires flexibility and quick thinking?

Are you confronted with the problem of having too many abilities in too many areas in which you'd like to work, discover and excel?

Are you curious about the world, always interested in learning new things?

Do you often feel like you're underachieving in your life, not living up to your potential?

Do you drink a lot of caffeine to help you focus?

Do you work hard at being organized without much to show for your effort?